
4 06, 2015

Safe and pleasant working environment

By |2016-12-28T10:54:09+01:00juni 4th, 2015|Industrigulv, Nyheter|0 kommentarer

Barrikade Mono is the preferred industrial coating for warehouse spaces. Bright, nice flooring that is durable, easy to clean and With distinct markings Truck lanes in bright colors combined With marking of safety zones . The project is in Småland where RA Gulv AB installed Barrikade EP-Mono on over 10 000 m2 in silvergrey with marking in signal [...]

8 05, 2015

Barrikade Traffic

By |2016-12-28T10:54:10+01:00mai 8th, 2015|Nyheter, Nyheter, Utearealer|0 kommentarer

Barrikade trafikk Right in the heart of Jonkoping in Sweden they have built a gateway that will handle both regular traffic and separate bus lanes The intensity of car and bus traffic is high and one has chosen to mark roundabouts and separate bus lanes with a clear red color to increase [...]

9 04, 2015


By |2016-12-28T10:54:11+01:00april 9th, 2015|Industrigulv, Nyheter|0 kommentarer

Den aller enkleste måten å etablere radonsperre! Barrikade radonsperre er et to-komponent produkt som påføres betongoverflaten med stålbrett eller rull. Barrikade radonsperre kan benyttes på alle nye eller gamle betonggulv der det skal etableres radonsperre. Produktet gir utmerket heft på betongunderlag. Barrikade Radonsperre kan benyttes på fersk betong (allerede etter 1-2 døgn). Dersom det skal [...]

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