
11 11, 2015

Kjente firmaer med sterke merkenavn velger Barrikade

By |2017-05-12T12:55:16+02:00november 11th, 2015|Nyheter|0 kommentarer

Bedrifter velger Barrikade: I løpet av de siste månedene har vi og våre samarbeidspartnere inngått kontrakter på store prosjekter med en rekke kjente firmaer i inn og utland. IKEA, Tesla, Orkla Foods, Nortura, Borregaard, Mustad, Sørlandschips, Bertel O. Steen og Skeidar har alle valgt et av de fugefrie gulvsystemene fra Hesselberg Bygg as. Gulvbeleggene, [...]

22 08, 2015

Barrikade Steinbelegg på togstasjon

By |2016-12-28T10:54:07+01:00august 22nd, 2015|Nyheter, Utearealer|0 kommentarer

This summer we are installing Barrikade Steinbelegg for PEAB and National Rail at Gardermoen in connection with expansion and rehabilitation of the railway station at the main airport. A combination of Lucern Silver and Larvikitt, which is alocal Norwegian aggregate, has ben chosen to distinguish between traffic zones [...]

29 06, 2015

Larvikitt is the new black

By |2016-12-28T10:54:07+01:00juni 29th, 2015|Nyheter, Utearealer|0 kommentarer

In the Kulås Park in  Sarpsborg, Norway, an extensive rehabilitation of the old amphitheater has been carried out. For the first time we have introduced the Larvikitt aggregate, from the other side of the Oslo Fjord in Barrikade Steinbelegg. Steinbelegg has been installed directly onto well compacted gravel, with a porous fabric in between, [...]

19 06, 2015

STEINBELEGG, pleasant living environment

By |2016-12-28T10:54:08+01:00juni 19th, 2015|Nyheter, Utearealer|0 kommentarer

On Hove farm in Sandnes a fine housing project has been developed with a combination of modern townhouses and low apartment blocks. Living quality is the key word and Barrikade  Steinbelegg has been used in the car-free leisure areas between  the buildings and on walkways.  Approx 2000 m2 of the stone coating was [...]

5 06, 2015

Future architects meet with terrazzo

By |2016-12-28T10:54:08+01:00juni 5th, 2015|Nyheter, Terrazzo|0 kommentarer

The first thing that will meet architectural students at KTH i Stockholm is a classic terrazzo floor. RA Golv AB has installed approximately 800 m2 Steno Terrazzo at the entrance of the architect school. In addition to floor areas the beautifully crafted main staircase is completed in terrazzo, both vertical and horizontal surfaces. The [...]

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